Bringing Digital Options to Gas Utilities

Bringing Digital Options to Gas Utilities

Bringing Digital Options to Gas Utilities

在天然气行业, it takes a lot more than a good product to provide exceptional service to the whole community. With safety and efficiency being the leading attributes to a successful gas utility, the industry will thrive by continuing to invest in new (and digital) processes. Thankfully, there are apps and traceability tags for that.

Meter inspections and replacements can get messy when prioritizing schedules and recording the necessary information. When utility workers rely on paper and pencil, they are missing the communication that comes with real time data. Recognizing this fact, a Canadian utility recently successfully 改变了他们的流程 from paper to mobile, thanks to the 劳动力为ArcGIS应用程序*. The app itself allows work to be assigned to field workers and the status reported to the office – in real time. Improving coordination and teamwork, Utility Kingston was able to complete more than 60% of their meter inspections and replacements within four months. They were also able to collect data such as unique meter IDs and information on meters that serve multiple addresses. This information helped them calculate the direct impact of meter efficiency to gas services in the vicinity.

澳门葡京赌场赢钱技巧的可追溯标签 are another innovative solution making gas distribution safer for utilities. Brought to life in response to the ASTM F-2897-14 standard, 这些可扫描标签, 也被称为条形码, allow access to the necessary information for routine checks, replacement required due to sample testing failures, or other meter set failures or incidents. While placed on every gas valve and meter bar sent out through the A.Y. McDonald factory, traceability tags contain the following critical information:

Utilities are always looking for ways to improve the services they provide and the process for providing them. Industry-designed apps and A.Y. McDonald traceability tags are both part of a solution to a safer industry process. Customers should be prepared to have their needs exceeded by taking advantage of these innovation solutions!

*注意:.Y. McDonald is in no way affiliated with the 劳动力为ArcGIS应用程序.